Azure Machine Learning Dataset Management Client - Delete Dataset V2
from some time i have been working with REST API under several "operational groups" referring to the article ( For discovering functions i have used their swagger's endpoints. Recently i have stumbled upon problem with deleting and listing datasets via REST API - operational group: dataset.
Im referring to the endpoint under the name "DatasetV2" that can be seen here:
Endpoint "Get a list of datasets." always return empty list.
Endpoint "Delete a dataset." always returns http 204 response and does not delete dataset under given name.
But endpoint "Delete all datasets in the workspace." works fine deleting all datasets even they are not listed in "Get a list of datasets." endpoint.
Is there currently a way to delete single dataset via RESR API?
Will endpoint "Delete a dataset." from the group "DatasetV2" work in the future?
I am using "Data asset types (from Azure ML v2 APIs)".
Thanks for any advice!