Powercfg command can't disable xbox controller wake and doesn't list in wake_armed or wake_programmable
Hello all coming from answers.microsoft since my question was out of scope there Im asking here.
So I realized that my xbox 360 wired controller prevents my computer from going idle/monitors sleeping.
I decided to check powercfg /requests and result was "None." for all.
I checked my powercfg /devicequery wake_armed result was:
HID-compliant mouse
Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller
HID Keyboard Device (004)
HID-compliant mouse (006)
HID Keyboard Device (012)
HID Keyboard Device (015)
HID Keyboard Device (016)
After removing my xbox controller powercfg /devicequery wake_armed result stayed the same and monitors slept successfully. So xbox controller wasnt in wake_armed But I still removed all entries except mouse from wake_armed windows still couldnt let monitors sleep while xbox controller plugged in. Xbox controller also does not show up in powercfg /devicequery wake_programmable .
I checked powercfg /devicequery wake_from_any and could see the line "Xbox 360 Controller for Windows". Since there is deadzone activity in my controller I thought maybe thats waking the windows.
I tried powercfg /devicedisablewake "Xbox 360 Controller for Windows" and get the error: You do not have permission to enable or disable device wake.
I'm assuming I'm getting this error because xbox controller is not listed in either wake_armed or wake_programmable. Because I'm running power shell 7.2.6 with admin privileges and used Net User Administrator /active:yes command with a restart to no avail. Windows 11 22H2 latest updates.
Is there a way I can still disable xbox controller preventing monitors sleep with any other method? Do I need to unplug everytime? Or there may be something microsoft need to implement like adding xbox controller to wake_armed list so I can disable it .