CSV string to dataframe

Ryan Abbey 1,171 Reputation points

We receive a base64 encoded file that when decoded, is a CSV delimited file. It's not a particularly big file 40K rows = 7MB but converting to a dataframe is not going so well

as it's base64, I decode in to a string and then use pandas read_csv to parse it but the read_csv is taking quite a long time (5 minutes) before failing with

LivyHttpRequestFailure: Something went wrong while processing your request

There isn't much to the code

b = b64.b64decode(z).decode()  
c = pd.read_csv(b, sep=',', quotechar='"')  

Where "z" is the base64 string

Current feeling is that all is being done on the driver and for whatever reason overconsuming resources - although since it is small, it shouldn't have a problem with memory, surely?

Can I get some parallelisation in there? Is there a better way to parse the string?

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  1. Ryan Abbey 1,171 Reputation points

    I did manage to get a performance improvement by passing it through StringIO