2 App services with the same ip, but one can connect to vm, the other cannot

Ken Fly 41 Reputation points

In the same resource group, we have 2 app services. They are using the same docker image but start diff services, one is running rails server, the other is running sidekiq.

I checked the properties page of the two app services, they are exactly the same, the same virtual ip, the same Outbound IP and the same Additional Outbound IP.

However, only one app service, rails server, could connect to rabbitmq, which installed in the VM of the same resource group. The other app service, sidekiq, always be rejected when trying to connect the same rabbitmq.

Be rejected, I mean, when trying to telnet rabbitmq_ip 5672 is rejected

As I mentioned above, the two app services are using exactly the same ip config.

I am curious what could cause the diff?

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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