Getting Error while running the following script

Armghan Shahid 1 Reputation point

Test if the azure powershell modules are present on the system

$cmdout=Get-Command $scmd -eA SilentlyContinue -EV $serr -OV $sout
if(!$cmdout.CommandType) {
echo "Required powershell modules are missing. Please install the azure modules and retry"

Sign in for this session


Fetch the config file to be loaded

if( $args[0] -ne $null ){

$SubSelect = 'n'
Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings "true"
Do {

echo "Listing available subscriptions in your account"  
foreach ($sub in $subs) {  
    echo "Subscription $subid :"  
    echo $sub  

if($subid -ge 1)  
    $ProvisionSub=Read-Host -Prompt "Select one of the above for provisioning"  

echo "Selected subscription for provisioning :"  
echo $subs[$ProvisionSub]  
$SubSelect=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter `"y`" to continue with this subscription or `"n`" to choose again"  

} While($SubSelect -eq 'n' -or $SubSelect -eq 'N')

if($SubSelect -ne 'y' -and $SubSelect -ne 'Y') {
echo "You did not choose a subscription to deploy in, script will exit now"

echo "Script will continue to provision in the selected subscription $subscription "
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscription.Id
echo "Azure Subscription for current session set to the following"
$select=Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to continue(y/n):"
if($select -ne 'y' -or $select -ne 'Y')
echo "Script terminating per user input"
echo "Provisioning will continue with the selected subscription"

if ( -not (Test-Path $filename))
echo "Config file not found at $filename"
echo "Found the configuration file, populating deployment variables from $filename"

Sanity run, set this to n when running actual creation


Initialize config entries from the configuration file provided



Parse the config file provided and load the values

foreach ($line in Get-Content $filename) {
if($line -match "^#.*") {
if( [string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($line)) {
#Empty line


Write-Host $e1 $e2 -Separator ","  

echo "Got entries" $entries[0] "->" $entries[1]

if($key -eq "name") {  
if($key -eq "avset") {  
if($key -eq "rgname") {  
if($key -eq "vnetrg") {  
if($key -eq "createrg") {  
if($key -eq "storename") {  
if($key -eq "createstorage") {  
if($key -eq "mgmtsubnetname") {  
if($key -eq "svcsubnetname") {  
if($key -eq "vnetname") {  
if($key -eq "niccount") {  
if($key -eq "vnetprefix") {  
if($key -eq "mgmtsubnetprefix") {  
if($key -eq "svcsubnetprefix") {  
if($key -eq "vmsize") {  
if($key -eq "location") {  
if($key -eq "dstStorageURI") {  
if($key -eq "srcOsURI") {  
if($key -eq "osuri") {  
if($key -eq "sastok") {  
if($key -eq "attach") {  
 if($key -eq "dstContainer") {  



echo "Name=$name Rgname=$rgname Location=$location"
if($vnetrgname -eq '')


foreach($loc in $loclist.Location){
if($loc -like $location){

if($loccheck -eq 1){
Write-Host "The virtual instance will be deployed in $location"
} else {

Write-Error -Message "The location provided in configuration file :- $location is not a valid input. Please correct the same and rerun the script"  


Fetch resource group and storage account configured in the conf file

$rg=Get-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgname -ev notPresent -ea 0

If resource group does not exist, provision it before proceeding

if($rg.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {
echo "The resource group $rgname does not exist, do you wish to create it in $location(y/n):"
if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y') {
echo "Creating resourcegroup $rgname in $location"
$rg=New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgname -Location $location
if($rg.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {
echo "Error creating resource group. Script will exit now"
echo "Created resource group. Continuing to provision the storage account"
echo "Resource group specified does not exist in the selected subscription. Exiting"
echo ""

if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'n')
echo "Inside If to fill value of Store"
echo "========= {xxxxxx} ============="
$store = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $storename -ev stnotPresent -ea 0
echo "store = $store"
echo "rgname = $rgname"
echo "storename = $storename"
if($store.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded"){
echo "The Storage account provided "$storename" doesn't exist in $rgname"
echo "Do you wish to provision the storage account now(y/n):"
if($storecreatechoice -ne 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -ne 'Y'){
echo "VM creation cannot continue without storage account. Exiting."
if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y'){
echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location while script executed"
echo "Please delete it if no longer in use"
if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){
echo "Preparing to provision storage account $storename in resource group $rgname"
echo "Do you need geo redundant store or locally reduntant store"
echo "Enter 1 for geo reduntant(Standard_GRS) or 2 for locally reduntant(Standard_LRS), if you need"
echo "other options, enter "n" to exit now and provision the storage account manually "
echo "Enter your choice: "
if($storetypechoice -eq 1)
echo "Store type set to Standard_GRS"
if($storetypechoice -eq 2)
echo "Store type set to Standard_LRS"
if($storetypechoice -eq 'n' -or $storetypechoice -eq 'N')
echo "Exiting deployment as per user input"
echo "Creating storage account. This is a long operation. Please wait till it completes."
$store=New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $storename -Location $location -SkuName $storetype


if($store.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded")
echo "Storage account creation did not complete successfully. Exiting deployment"
if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y'){
echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location. Please delete it manually if not needed"

Check if the container exists in target account

$containercheck=Get-AzStorageContainer -Name $dstContainer -Context $store.Context -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  
if($containercheck.Name -ne $dstContainer)  

Create Storage container with the provided name

    echo "Storage account creation successful, creating container for disk storage."  
    New-AzStorageContainer -Name $dstContainer -Permission Off -Context $store.Context   


Availability set check

if($avsetname -ne '') {
$avset=Get-AzAvailabilitySet -Name $avsetname -ResourceGroupName $rgname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($avset.Name -eq $avsetname) {
if($avset.Managed) {
echo "This availability set is not supported by the vm type being deployed,"
echo "Please use a classic availability set to deploy this VM"
echo "Availability set present, vm instance will be provisioned within availability set"
sleep 10

if($avcheck -eq "No" -and $avsetname -ne '') {
echo "Creating availability set for the VM"
$avset=New-AzAvailabilitySet -Name $avsetname -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -Sku classic
sleep 10
if($avset.Name -eq $avsetname) {
echo "Created availability set, deployment in progress"
sleep 5
echo "Deployment will stop now, failed to create availability set"
echo "To deploy, create a classic availability set in the required resource group"
echo "And execute the script again"

Network configuration for the virtual machine

create the interface names

if($niccount -gt 0) {
echo "Creating $niccount nic names"
for($i=0; $i -lt $niccount; $i++) {


}else {
echo "The vm needs at least 1 interface to be configured, current value is $niccount"
echo "Script will exit now. Please correct the config file as per recommendations and try again"

if($niccount -gt 0) {
echo "Creating $niccount ip names"
for($i=0; $i -lt $niccount; $i++) {


if($vnetrgname -ne $rgname){

Validate the resource group for provisioning vnet exists


$vnet=Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetname -ResourceGroupName $vnetrgname -ev vnetError -ea 0
echo "Going to write ==========>>> "
echo "test1 is $test1 $vnetname"
echo "========== ends =============="
if($vnet.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded")
echo "VirtualNetwork $vnetname exists, checking for subnet"
$mgmtsnet=Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $mgmtsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev snetPresent -ea 0
$svcsnet=Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $svcsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev snetPresent -ea 0
echo "Do you wish to create the Virtual Network as per the configuration provided"
$vnetcreate=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter y/n"
if($vnetcreate -ne 'y' -and $vnetcreate -ne 'Y')

    echo "Virtual Network configuration for the VM instance is not provisioned"  
    echo "This script will now exit"  
    if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){  
        echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "  
        echo "It can be removed if not in use"  
    if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){  
        echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"  
        echo "It can be removed if not used"  
echo "New Virtual network $vnetname with prefix $vnetprefix will be created in $location"  
$vnetcreate=Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to continue (y/n)"  
if($vnetcreate -ne 'y' -and $vnetcreate -ne 'Y')  
    echo "Script will exit now as per user input"  
    if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){  
        echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "  
        echo "It can be removed if not in use"  
    if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){  
        echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"  
        echo "It can be removed if not used"  
$mgmtsnet=New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $mgmtsubnetname -AddressPrefix $mgmtsnetprefix -ev sNetCreate -ea 0  
if($mgmtsnetprefix -ne $svcsubnetprefix) {  
    $svcsnet=New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $svcsubnetname -AddressPrefix $svcsnetprefix -ev sNetCreate -ea 0  
    $vnet=New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetname -ResourceGroupName $vnetrgname -Location $location -AddressPrefix $vnetprefix -Subnet $mgmtsnet,$svcsnet -ev vNetCreate -ea 0  
    $vnet=New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetname -ResourceGroupName $vnetrgname -Location $location -AddressPrefix $vnetprefix -Subnet $mgmtsnet -ev vNetCreate -ea 0  


if($vnet.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded"){
echo "Virtual network creation failed or script was unable to fetch"
echo "the Virtual network configuration. Please check the configuration"
echo "for possible errors and execute the script further"
if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){
echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "
echo "It can be removed if not in use"
if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){
echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"
echo "It can be removed if not used"
$mgmtsnet=Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $mgmtsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev sNetPresent -ea 0

if($mgmtsnet.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {

echo "A subnet $mgmtsubnetname with the required configuration $mgmtsnetprefix"  
echo "Was not found in $vnetname "  
echo "The instance provisioning will exit if subnet is not created"  
$snetcreate=Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to create it now (y/n)"  
if($snetcreate -ne 'y' -and $snetcreate -ne 'Y') {  
    echo "You have chosen not to provision the subnet"  
    echo "The script will exit now"  
    echo "Please make sure all prerequisites are met and "  
    echo "execute the script to provision the instance"  
    if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){  
        echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "  
        echo "It can be removed if not in use"  
    if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){  
        echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"  
        echo "It can be removed if not used"  
$mgmtsnet=New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $subnetname -AddressPrefix $snetprefix -ev sNetCreate -ea 0  
Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $mgmtsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev sNetAssign -ea 0  


$svcsnet=Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $svcsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev sNetPresent -ea 0
if($svcsnet.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {

echo "A subnet $svcsubnetname with the required configuration $svcsnetprefix"  
echo "Was not found in $vnetname "  
echo "The instance provisioning will exit if subnet is not created"  
$snetcreate=Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to create it now (y/n)"  
if($snetcreate -ne 'y' -and $snetcreate -ne 'Y') {  
    echo "You have chosen not to provision the subnet"  
    echo "The script will exit now"  
    echo "Please make sure all prerequisites are met and "  
    echo "execute the script to provision the instance"  
    if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){  
        echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "  
        echo "It can be removed if not in use"  
    if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){  
        echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"  
        echo "It can be removed if not used"  
$svcsnet=New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $svcsubnetname -AddressPrefix $svcsnetprefix -ev sNetCreate -ea 0  
Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $svcsubnetname -VirtualNetwork $vnet -ev sNetAssign -ea 0  


if(($mgmtsnet.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") -or ($svcsnet.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded")){
echo "Subnet provisioning failed"
echo "Deployment cannot continue"
if($rgcreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $rgcreatechoice -eq 'Y' ){
echo "Resource group $rgname was provisioned in $location "
echo "It can be removed if not in use"
if($storecreatechoice -eq 'y' -or $storecreatechoice -eq 'Y'){
echo "Storage account $storename was provisoned by this script"
echo "It can be removed if not used"

if($sanityrun -eq 'y'){
Write-Host "Exiting sanity check" -Foreground Green

Start creation of the VM object

echo "Creating the vm object...."


if($avcheck -eq "Yes") {
$vm = New-AzVMConfig -VMName $name -VMSize $vmsize -AvailabilitySetId $avset.Id
$vm = New-AzVMConfig -VMName $name -VMSize $vmsize

$vm = Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem -VM $vm -Linux -ComputerName $name -Credential $cred

Create interfaces and ip objects as per config file

echo "Do you wish to allocate public ip address to the instance"
$pipopt=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter y or n to proceed"
echo "Generating interface configuration and attaching ip addresses...."
if($pipopt -eq 'y' -or $pipopt -eq 'Y'){
for($i=0; $i -lt $niccount ; $i++) {
$pip=New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $ipnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -AllocationMethod Dynamic

$nic=New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name $nicnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -SubnetId $svcsnet.Id -PublicIpAddressId $pip.Id

        if($i -eq 0) {  
            $nic=New-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nicnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -SubnetId $mgmtsnet.Id -PublicIpAddressId $pip.Id  
            $vm = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic.Id -Primary  
            $nic=New-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nicnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -SubnetId $svcsnet.Id -PublicIpAddressId $pip.Id  
        $vm = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic.Id  
        echo "Nics = $nics"  

else {
for($i=0; $i -lt $niccount ; $i++) {

    if($i -eq 0) {  
        $nic=New-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nicnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -SubnetId $mgmtsnet.Id  
        $vm = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic.Id -Primary  
        $nic=New-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nicnames[$i] -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -SubnetId $svcsnet.Id  
    $vm = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic.Id  
    echo "Nics = $nics"  


Setting up disks for the VM

echo "Setting up the disks."
$osDiskUri = "$blob/$osdiskname"
$osimageUri = "$osimage"

echo "Disk info for the VM "
echo "OS Disk : $osdiskname"
echo "Blob : $blob"
echo "OS disk URI : $osDiskUri"
echo "$osdiskname"
echo "$blob"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
sleep 10


echo "Copying disks to the path"
echo "store = $store"
echo "Context = $store.Context"

Start-AzStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $osimageUri -Context $storecontext -DestContainer $storecontext -DestBlob $osdiskname
echo "osimageUri = $osimageUri"
echo "store = $store"
echo "storecontext = $storecontext"
echo "storecontext = $storecontext"
echo "osdiskname = $osdiskname"
echo "rgname = $rgname"
echo "storename = $storename"
echo "============================================"
echo "Copying"
sleep 20
$osstatus=Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState -Context $storecontext -Blob $osdiskname -Container $dstContainer
While($osstatus.Status -ne "Success") {
sleep 20
$osstatus=Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState -Context $storecontext -Blob $osdiskname -Container $dstContainer
if($osstatus.Status -ne "Pending") {

$vm=Set-AzVMOSDisk -VM $vm -Name $osdiskname -VhdUri $osDiskUri -CreateOption Attach -Linux

Create the azure Virtual machine


echo "Disk setup completed, vm object generated succesfully. Creating the instance."
New-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -VM $vm -Verbose

Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage
An Azure service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as blobs.
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  1. shiva patpi 13,171 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Armghan Shahid
    In the line:
    Start-AzStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $osimageUri -Context $storecontext -DestContainer $storecontext -DestBlob $osdiskname

    Can you debug and see what is the container name it is getting passed in the variable $storecontext

    I think the -DestContainer value should not be $storecontext , it should have been ContainerName probably this variable : $dstContainer you have to pass

    Please validate accordingly !!


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