tuning sql server recursive query

Binway 696 Reputation points

I have a query that looks for the created and completed dates for outages that have overlapping times so it returns the minutes from the start to the last completed time in the group. Below image should help explain.

So I have been able to research a query that works and returns that correct result as tested so far.

;with timePeriods as ( -- sort time frames according to [created_date] per [Id]  
 Select     dt.TheDate  
            ,min(jbs.created_date) as created_date  
            ,Isnull(Max(jbs.completed_datetime),getdate()) as completed_datetime  
            ,count(*) as JobCount ---need to display this but keep getting errors  
            ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by jbs.asset_id order by min(jbs.created_date), Isnull(Max(jbs.completed_datetime),getdate())) as rn  
            from [dbo].[vwJobs] jbs  
            Join dbo.DateDimension  dt  on   
                Datediff(day, dt.TheDate , jbs.created_date) <=0     
                and Datediff(day, dt.TheDate ,  isnull(jbs.completed_datetime, getdate())) >=0  
             Join [dbo].[vwAssets] ast  on ast.asset_id = jbs.asset_id  
                Where asset_code = 'TCS' --TCS: Total Control System'  
                And jbs.[availability] ='Y'   
                and isnull(ast.deadflag,'') <> 'Y'  
            Group by dt.TheDate, jbs.asset_id  
                ), cte as   
( -- SQL recursive CTE expression  
     select -- anchor query  
      [TheDate], asset_id, [created_date], [completed_datetime], rn, 1 as GroupId  
     from timePeriods  
     where rn = 1  

     union all  

     select -- recursive sql query  
      when (p1.[created_date] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) then p2.[created_date]  
      when (p2.[created_date] between p1.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime]) then p1.[created_date]  
      when (p1.[created_date] < p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] > p2.[completed_datetime]) then p1.[created_date]  
      when (p1.[created_date] > p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] < p2.[completed_datetime]) then p2.[created_date]  
      else p2.[created_date]  
      end as [created_date],  

      when (p1.[completed_datetime] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) then p2.[completed_datetime]  
      when (p2.[completed_datetime] between p1.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime]) then p1.[completed_datetime]  
      when (p1.[created_date] < p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] > p2.[completed_datetime]) then p1.[completed_datetime]  
      when (p1.[created_date] > p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] < p2.[completed_datetime]) then p2.[completed_datetime]  
      else p2.[completed_datetime]  
      end as [completed_datetime],  

      case when  
      (p1.[created_date] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) or  
      (p1.[completed_datetime] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) or  
      (p1.[created_date] < p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] > p2.[completed_datetime]) or  
      (p1.[created_date] > p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] < p2.[completed_datetime])  
      end as GroupId  
     from cte p1 -- referencing CTE itself  
     inner join timePeriods p2  
      on p1.[asset_id] = p2.[asset_id] and  
      (p1.rn+1) = p2.rn  

    "KPI No"=  10  
    ,"KPI Type" = 'Availability'  
    ,"KPI Category" = 'Total Control System'  
    ,"KPI Name" = 'Availability Of Controls'+ ast.[conops_rank]  
    ,dt.Thedate  --as ReportMonthYear  
    ,60*24 as DailyTotalTime  
    ,created_date DownTimeStart  
    ,completed_datetime DownTimeEnd  
    ,Isnull(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, created_date, completed_datetime),0) as AssetDailyDowntimeMinutes   
from [dbo].[vwAssets] ast  
Join dbo.DateDimension  dt  on Datediff(day, dt.TheDate , ast.feature_start_date) <=0     
and Datediff(day, dt.TheDate ,  isnull(nullif(ast.feature_end_date,'3000-01-01 00:00:00.000'), getdate())) >=0  
Left Join cte jbs on jbs.thedate = dt.thedate and jbs.asset_id = ast.asset_id  
Where asset_code =  'TCS'  
order by asset_id, thedate  

Unfortunately, this query takes ruffly 15minutes to return data, so it is not the best for a report view.
I was hopeful that it could be written more efficiently but I can't see how I would get around the loop.
Failing a more efficient query I could use this to create a table for reporting purposes.
I have attached a txt file with an explain plan that I am not overly familiar with analysing.


Thanks in advance

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3 answers

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  1. LiHongMSFT-4306 25,651 Reputation points

    Hi @Binway
    Here are some tips:

    1. Replace a complex statement with multiple simple statements.
      For example, create a temporary table and insert the result set of the first CTE into it.
    2. Make sure all mentioned columns are indexed, especially filter columns.
    3. Avoid too many CASE WHEN expressions in the recursive CTE. You could move the first two CASE WHEN expressions outside of the recursive CTE, like this: ;with cte as
      ( -- SQL recursive CTE expression
      select -- anchor query
      '' as [created_date2],
      '' as [completed_datetime2],
      1 as GroupId
      from timePeriods
      where rn = 1 union all select -- recursive sql query
      case when
      (p1.[created_date] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) or
      (p1.[completed_datetime] between p2.[created_date] and p2.[completed_datetime]) or
      (p1.[created_date] < p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] > p2.[completed_datetime]) or
      (p1.[created_date] > p2.[created_date] and p1.[completed_datetime] < p2.[completed_datetime])
      then p1.GroupId else (p1.GroupId+1) end as GroupId
      from cte p1 inner join timePeriods p2 on p1.[asset_id] = p2.[asset_id] and (p1.rn+1) = p2.rn
      select TheDate,[asset_id],
      when ([created_date1] between [created_date2] and [completed_datetime2]) then [created_date2]
      when ([created_date2] between [created_date1] and [completed_datetime1]) then [created_date1]
      when ([created_date1] < [created_date2] and [completed_datetime1] > [completed_datetime2]) then [created_date1]
      when ([created_date1] > [created_date2] and [completed_datetime1] < [completed_datetime2]) then [created_date2]
      else [created_date2] end as [created_date],
      from cte

    Best regards,

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  2. Erland Sommarskog 107.2K Reputation points

    I am not sure that this should be a recursive query. I immediately need to add the disclaimer that the query is complex and difficult to read in a hurry.

    But it seems to me that for each iteration in the recursive CTE you are only adding one more set of data. That is, you are running a loop in disguise. In a "normal" recursive CTE one traverses a recursive structure like a tree of nodes from bottom and up or vice versa.

    Maybe this is better written as a true loop, using a temp table for intermediate results. This can make it easier to check intermediate results, and it can also be easier to look at execution plans for the different steps, as the queries can be simpler.

    As for the execution plans, I noticed that you posted in text format. I will have to admit that it was many years ago since I looked plans in that format. The best is to get the XML format and upload it to http://www.pastetheplan.com.

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  3. Binway 696 Reputation points

    Thanks for looking into this.
    I found some useful tips on SQL Server Central as well.
    With the final result like the code below which runs in an acceptable timeframe.
    ;WITH C1 AS (
    SELECT TheDate
    ,s=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY thedate, asset_id ORDER BY created_date)
    FROM [dbo].Jobs
    Join dbo.DateDimension on
    Datediff(day, TheDate , created_date) <=0
    and Datediff(day, TheDate , isnull(completed_datetime, getdate())) >=0
    Join [dbo].Assets on asset_id = asset_id
    where asset_code = 'DFR'
    SELECT TheDate
    ,ts=isnull(completed_datetime, getdate())
    ,e=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY thedate, asset_id ORDER BY completed_datetime)
    FROM [dbo].Jobs
    Join dbo.DateDimension dt on
    Datediff(day, TheDate , created_date) <=0
    and Datediff(day, TheDate , isnull(completed_datetime, getdate())) >=0
    Join [dbo].Assets ast on asset_id = asset_id
    where asset_code = 'DFR' ),
    C2 AS (
    SELECT C1.*
    ,se=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY thedate,asset_id ORDER BY ts, Type DESC)
    FROM C1),
    C3 AS (
    SELECT thedate, asset_Id, ts
    ,grpnm=FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY thedate,asset_id ORDER BY ts)-1) / 2 + 1)
    FROM C2
    WHERE COALESCE(s-(se-s)-1, (se-e)-e) = 0),
    C4 as (SELECT thedate
    , asset_Id
    , StartDate=MIN(ts)
    , EndDate=MAX(ts)
    , DATEDIFF(minute, MIN(ts),MAX(ts)) as MinDown
    FROM C3
    GROUP BY thedate, asset_Id, grpnm)

    	Thedate  --as ReportMonthYear  
    	,60*24 as DailyTotalTime  
    	,Isnull(a.JobCount,0) as JobCount  
    from [dbo].[Assets]   
    Join dbo.DateDimension  on Datediff(day, TheDate , feature_start_date) <=0     
    and Datediff(day, TheDate ,  isnull(nullif(feature_end_date,'3000-01-01 00:00:00.000'), getdate())) >=0  
    Join C4 Jobs on thedate = thedate and asset_id = asset_id  
    Join (Select  	TheDate  
    			,min(created_date) as created_date  
    			,Isnull(Max(completed_datetime),getdate()) as completed_datetime  
    			,count(*) as JobCount  
    			from [dbo].[Jobs]   
    			Join dbo.DateDimension  dt  on   
    				Datediff(day, TheDate , created_date) <=0     
    				and Datediff(day, TheDate ,  isnull(completed_datetime, getdate())) >=0  
    			 Join [dbo].[Assets] ast  on asset_id = asset_id  
    			Where  asset_code = 'DFR'  
    			Group by TheDate, asset_id) a on a.TheDate = TheDate and a.asset_id = asset_id  
    Where asset_code =	'DFR'  
    order by thedate, asset_id  
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