T-SQL Server dynamic UNPIVOT data original columns

Gabriel Lafreniere 61 Reputation points

I am trying to make a location(x, y) with merging tables into a single one.
X is found, Y is only found outside of the dynamic query but I cannot seem to map it with the unpivoted result...
I would like to have the original column_id attached to the resulted unpivoted query.

Here is my script:
SELECT @strQry =
'SELECT [Row_ID], [Field_Name]
SELECT [Row_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)), ' + p.[Column_Name] + '
FROM [##tbl' + p.[Table_Name] + ']
) x UNPIVOT ([Field_Name] FOR [Field_Data] IN (' + p.[Column_Name] + ')) u'
SELECT [Table_Name] = t.name, [Column_ID] = STRING_AGG(CAST(c.column_id AS VARCHAR(12)), ', '), [Column_Name] = STRING_AGG('[' + c.name + ']', ', ')
FROM tempdb.sys.table t
LEFT JOIN tempdb.sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id
GROUP BY t.name
) p
PRINT (@strQry)
EXEC (@strQry)

/How to get [Column_ID] to fit with [Field_Name] according to their original [Column_Name] during UNPIVOT?/
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | a | b | c |
2 | d | e | f |
3 | a | b | c |

| x | | y |
1 | a | Original column_id was: | 1 |
2 | b | Original column_id was: | 2 |
3 | c | Original column_id was: | 3 |
4 | d | Original column_id was: | 1 |
5 | e | Original column_id was: | 2 |
6 | f | Original column_id was: | 3 |
7 | a | Original column_id was: | 1 |
8 | b | Original column_id was: | 2 |
9 | c | Original column_id was: | 3 |

For those working with SQL Server v16-:
SELECT [Table_Name] = t.name, [Column_Name] = STUFF((
SELECT TOP 60 ', [' + c.name + ']'
FROM tempdb.sys.columns c
WHERE MIN(t.object_id) = c.object_id
GROUP BY c.name
/ORDER BY MIN(c.column_id)/
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '')
FROM tempdb.sys.tables t
GROUP BY t.name

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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Accepted answer
  1. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points

    The unpivot column should have the same(compatible) data type.
    You should include your sample table DDL to get the code you need.
    Here is the fix by guessing:

     DECLARE @strQry VARCHAR(8000)  
    SELECT @strQry =  
    'SELECT [Row_ID], [Field_Name]  
    FROM (  
    SELECT [Row_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)), ' + p.[Column_Name2] + '  
    FROM [' + p.[Table_Name] + ']  
    ) x UNPIVOT ([Field_Name] FOR [Field_Data] IN (' + p.[Column_Name] + ')) u'  
    FROM (  
    SELECT [Table_Name] = t.name, [Column_ID] = STRING_AGG(CAST(c.column_id AS VARCHAR(12)), ', ')  
    , [Column_Name] = STRING_AGG('[' + c.name + ']', ', ')  
    , [Column_Name2] = STRING_AGG('try_cast([' + c.name + '] as varchar(50)) as [' + c.name + ']', ', ')  
    FROM tempdb.sys.tables t  
    LEFT JOIN tempdb.sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id  
    GROUP BY t.name  
    ) p  
    PRINT (@strQry)  
    EXEC (@strQry)  
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