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Firstly, each of these properties provide you with information about the status of Windows Defender.
Let's take a look at some of them:
AMEngineVersion: version of the antimalware engine
NISEngineVersion: version of the network inspection system engine
AMServiceEnabled: activation of the antimalware service
AMProductVersion: antimalware client version
AMServiceVersion: antimalware service version
AntispywareEnabled: antispyware protection activation status
AntispywareSignatureLastUpdated: threat definitions' creation date
AntispywareSignatureVersion: antivirus signatures version
AntivirusSignatureVersion: antispyware signatures version
NISSignatureVersion: network inspection system signatures version
AntivirusEnabled: antivirus protection activation status
AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated: date and time of last update for the antivirus signatures
FullScanAge: number of days since the last system's full scan
FullScanEndTime: end date and time of the last full scan of the system
FullScanStartTime: start date and time of the last full scan of the system
NISEnabled: network inspection system activation status
NISSignatureLastUpdated: date and time of last update for the network inspection system's signatures
QuickScanAge: number of days since the last quick scan of the system
QuickScanEndTime: end date and time of the last quick scan of the system
QuickScanStartTime: start date and time of the last quick scan of the system
RealTimeProtectionEnabled: real-time protection activation status
Besides, if you want to verify a clean result, you could perform a system scan and there are two cmdlets that can be used to perform a system scan: Start-MpScan and Start-MpWDOScan.
More specific details please refer to the following Microsoft link:
Manage Windows Defender using PowerShell
Hope can help you.Have a nice day!