We're using Intune to deploy our company owned iOS 13 iPhones. Initially, these iPhone 13's have arrived with iOS 15.x on them and Intune enrollment works as expected. The deployment methos is to give the user an un-opened iPhone and have them follow a few simple instructions to setup the phone. This setup includes a PKCS user cert that gets generated and installed on the device during enrollment. I have no problems with this setup with iOS 15.x and the PKCS user certs install on the phone very quickly.
Fast forward to today where my iPhone now has iOS 16 on it. After wiping it in Intune and re-deploying it, there's now a delay in getting the PKCS certificate installed on the device. The phone still gets registered in Intune but initially, the PKCS don't make it to the device. They are requested successfully from the Certificate Authority during enrollment though. And if I force a Sync from Intune, they do eventually make it down to the device - albeit after performing Sync a few times.
Has anyone else using PKCS certs seen this delayed certificate issue behaviour with iOS 16?
Thanks, Gary