Search box to quickly navigate to menus in WPF application

Ravi Prabakaran 1 Reputation point


We have a huge WPF application developed for many years, which has lot of menus like menu buttons, ribbon menu buttons, toggle menu buttons, contextual ribbon menus etc. Since there are lot of menus, providing search box on the top to quickly navigate to the menus/settings will benefit the users lot. I am expecting something similar to Search Box ( ctrl + Q ) in the top menu area of Visual studio or any other better solution. I have been thinking a manual solution that go over all the xaml files during application launch and parse, collect all menu text and its action etc, so this collection will be searched and action will be invoked something like that , but is there any framework / API readily available or any other solution solution to implement this functionality ?


Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation
A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
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