Please i need your help on this issue.
At the end of October we enabled Information Barriers in our organization and everything was working fine.
However, we have detected that legitimate users are blocked from accessing some Teams meetings, even sometimes they are blocked from meetings created by themselves.
I have tried to disable and re-enable IBs and swapping members from segments, but nothing seems to work.
I used this tutorial to implement IBs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/compliance/information-barriers-policies?view=o365-worldwide#step-4-apply-ib-policies
Currently we only have implemented them on Teams, and we are planning to extend them to SharePoint.
For your information, our deployment is very simple: we have two segments where users are splitted depending on their department attribute.
The problem is that users from the same segment sometimes cannot join teams' meetings. This is quite random because sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work.
Once a user reported that Microsoft blocked him when he was accessing the meeting but a minute later he was able to access the meeting.
The Problem started on Tue, Nov 1, 2022.