Virtual Smartcard get blocked after login to citrix

HienThanh 1 Reputation point

Hello all,

I am using virtual smartcard and get blocked each time login to citrix and connect to a VDI but I could not found any possible way to troubleshoot when the smartcard was blocked (I login to citrix with username/password and not using PIN number) with the reason "The security device cannot process the PIN. The Pin has been blocked temporaryity because too many incorrect PINs have been entered......." although I am not use PIN number for logging in citrix then I have to unblock current smartcard for using next time. I could only found that smartcard only get blocked when user reach 5 times of wrong PIN input.

The smartcard is working correctly if I am not use citrix.

Could you please let me know is there any config that citrix will effect to smartcard on my machine that cause blocked issue.

I am not sure if I put my question in correct place. If not, then please let me know where can I put my concern correctly.

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