@my SMBCO IT Manager For better understanding the issue: - Can you share the screen shot of the error message?
- Are you the Azure subscription owner?
Also cross check have you selected the storage account of same region. (The storage account for the Azure file share must be located in the same region as the Storage Sync Service. ). Some time this issue may occur when the server is offline or unable to communicate with the service. It may be due to firewall or proxy .
Also check your system time zone and Internet time.
You can also see : Troubleshoot Azure File Sync Cloud endpoint creations fails.
This article will help you in creating a sync group and a cloud endpoint: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-sync-files-deployment-guide?tabs=azure-portal#create-a-sync-group-and-a-cloud-endpoint.
Hope this helps! Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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