CROSS APPLY OPENJSON returns 2 rows when only 1 row exists

Carl Tribble 31 Reputation points

I am using SQL Serverless Pool in Synapse Analytics to query JSON documents that have array objects in them. The array is named costAllocation and can have 1 or more objects in it. To include values from those objects in my result, I am using CROSS APPLY OPENJSON like as show below. The query returns 4 rows, 2 for each document. This makes sense for the second document which has 2 costAllocation object. But why are 2 rows returned for the first document? It only has 1 costAllocation object? Below please find the SQL I am using followed by the first and second documents I am querying.

    , d.customerId  
    , i.costAllocationMethod  
    , i.points  
                OBJECT = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',  
    customerId VARCHAR(50)  
    , id VARCHAR(50)  
    , points INT  
    , costAllocation VARCHAR(MAX)  
) AS d  
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (costAllocation)  
WITH (  
    costAllocationMethod INT  
    , points INT  
) AS i  
    id IN ('f64a9ad2-1e2c-488e-bfdc-501e88c1f0e3','d163a81d-7000-4e30-950b-4835f44ee5c8')  

-- Document with only 1 costAllocation object
"id": "f64a9ad2-1e2c-488e-bfdc-501e88c1f0e3",
"pk": "4c3199c3-6005-4920-a358-dd37388cc6b9",
"customerId": "4c3199c3-6005-4920-a358-dd37388cc6b9",
"points": 500,
"costAllocation": [
"costAllocationMethod": 1319,
"points": 500,

-- Document with 2 costAllocation objects
"id": "d163a81d-7000-4e30-950b-4835f44ee5c8",
"pk": "4a9b88e5-e5eb-4ef7-ace1-af2688612938",
"customerId": "4a9b88e5-e5eb-4ef7-ace1-af2688612938",
"points": 500,
"costAllocation": [
"costAllocationMethod": 1906,
"points": 121,
"costAllocationMethod": 1906,
"points": 379,

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
An Azure analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. Previously known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
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