I'm trying to make a no-prompt Windows Server 2022 Iso for our Hyper-V environment.
We call up our VM creation by script and without any interaction you end up at a Server desktop ready for configuration.
This is working well on our 2019 iso, but we're moving up to 2022.
The original 2019 image is missing the boot folder in the root of the ISO, and the cdboot.efi and efisys.bin files have been renamed and replaced with their noprompt counterparts on the iso.
I replicated this on the Server 2022 iso, but it still gives me the "Press Any Key to boot from CD/DVD"
Works fine if I press a key, all the customisations in the autounattend file work. I just need it to not prompt for a keypress at boot.
I'm using Poweriso to modify the files within the iso.
ISO is from the VLSC.
Any ideas?