select Rounding Datetime to nearest 30 minutes

powsul mohamed 1 Reputation point

create table #temp (ID varchar(50),DateTime_ Time)

insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1001','2022-01-01 06:01:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1002','2022-01-01 06:07:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1003','2022-01-01 06:15:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1004','2022-01-01 06:20:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1005','2022-01-01 06:39:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1006','2022-01-01 06:46:24.000')
insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1007','2022-01-01 16:59:24.000')

select * from #temp


-- Result format
-- 05:15 equal and less then 5:01 then result 05:00
-- 05:16 equal and greater then 5:45 then result 05:30
-- 05:46 equal and greater then 5:59 then result 06:00


--Data Result view


-- ID DateTime_
--1001 6:00
--1002 6:00
--1003 6:30
--1004 6:30
--1005 6:30
--1006 7:00
--1007 7:00

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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5 answers

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  1. NikoXu-msft 1,911 Reputation points

    Hi @powsul mohamed ,

    Try this:

     create table #temp (ID varchar(50)  
     ,DateTime_ dateTime)  
     insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1001','2022-01-01 06:01:24.000')  
      ,('1002','2022-01-01 06:07:24.000')  
     ,('1003','2022-01-01 06:15:24.000')  
     , ('1004','2022-01-01 06:20:24.000')  
     ,('1005','2022-01-01 06:39:24.000')  
     , ('1006','2022-01-01 06:46:24.000')  
     , ('1007','2022-01-01 16:59:24.000')  
    select id,DateTime_,dateadd(MINUTE, round(datediff(MINUTE, ' ', DateTime_) / 30.0, 0) * 30, ' ') dtRounded30 from #temp  

    Best regards,

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    1 person found this answer helpful.
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  2. Viorel 113.4K Reputation points

    If DateTime_ is a time, try one of approaches:

    select ID,  
        cast(dateadd(second, (datediff(second, '00:00', DateTime_) + 15*60-1) / (30*60) * (30*60), '00:00') as time) as DateTime_  
    from #temp  
    0 comments No comments

  3. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points
    create table #temp (ID varchar(50)  
    ,DateTime_ dateTime)  
    insert into #temp (ID,DateTime_) values ('1001','2022-01-01 06:01:24.000')  
     ,('1002','2022-01-01 06:07:24.000')  
    ,('1003','2022-01-01 06:15:24.000')  
    , ('1004','2022-01-01 06:20:24.000')  
    ,('1005','2022-01-01 06:39:24.000')  
    , ('1006','2022-01-01 06:46:24.000')  
    , ('1007','2022-01-01 16:59:24.000')  
    select  ID  
     ,datetimefromparts (Year(DateTime_),Month(DateTime_),day(DateTime_)     
     ,datepart(hour,DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, 0,DateTime_)+(Case when floor(datepart(minute,DateTime_) /15.) =3  then 1 else 0 end), 0) )  
     ,Case when floor(datepart(minute,DateTime_) /15.) in(1,2) then 30 else 0 end  
     )  dtRounded30  
    from #temp  
    DROP Table #TEMP  
    0 comments No comments

  4. Erland Sommarskog 102.5K Reputation points

    Here is a solution that uses the new date_bucket function, introduced in SQL 2022, and also available in Azure:

       SELECT ID, DateTime_, date_bucket(minute, 30, dateadd(minute, 15, DateTime_))  
       FROM   #temp  

    The date_bucket function makes this problem a lot easier. The only catch here is that date_bucket truncates, but I adjusted for that by adding 15 minutes.

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