First, as you have given the data, and the question it's a bad question. You have multiple entries for the same employee and the same date. So how do you determine which of those entries come first? The question either needs to specify that or only have one entry for a given employee and date.
That said if they have different dates, then the following will work
Create Table Customer_infomation_table(customer_id int, Updated_date date, Martial_status varchar(10), Income decimal(11,2));
Insert Customer_infomation_table(customer_id, Updated_date, Martial_status, Income) Values
(1, '2021-5-5', 'Single', 5000),
(1, '2021-8-14', 'Married', 6000),
(3, '2021-5-5', 'Single', 4000),
(3, '2021-7-12', 'Single', 4500),
(4, '2021-5-5', 'married', 12000);
With cteRn As
(Select customer_id, Updated_date, Martial_status, Income,
Row_number() Over(Partition By customer_id Order By Updated_date Desc) As rn
From Customer_infomation_table)
Select r1.customer_id, r1.Updated_date, r1.Martial_status, r1.Income,
Cast((r1.Income * 100) / r2.Income As decimal(5,2)) - 100 As Increment_Percentage
From cteRn r1
Left Join cteRn r2 On r1.customer_id = r2.customer_id And Coalesce(r2.rn, 2) = 2
Where r1.rn = 1
Order By customer_id;