Hello @A K, Srinivaasan ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
I don't have a Snowflake instance to test this, but you can try below and see if that works.
Please note*: This works only on serverless and pro SQL warehouse (experimental feature). Experimental features are provided as-is and are not supported by Databricks through customer technical support channels.*
Here is the related documentation: Query federation for Snowflake in Databricks SQL
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hive_metastore.default.snowflake_table;
CREATE TABLE hive_metastore.default.snowflake_table
USING snowflake
dbtable '<table-name>',
sfUrl '<database-host-url>',
sfUser secret('snowflake_creds', 'my_username'),
sfPassword secret('snowflake_creds', 'my_password'),
sfDatabase '<database-name>', sfSchema '<schema-name>',
sfWarehouse '<warehouse-name>'
Hope this info helps. Do let us know how it goes.
Thank you