Azure App Service Runtime Stack

AmaraCode LLC 261 Reputation points

I've recently updated my company website on Azure. It was a minor change and I'm using DevOps pipeline/deployment. This time my application crashed on Azure. I've noticed the Runtime Stack which should give .NET options is missing


Can someone help me resolve this issue?

You can see the error at

Also in the QuickStart deployment the only option is Node.js. At one time there was .Net options.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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Accepted answer
  1. AmaraCode LLC 261 Reputation points

    Ok so here is where I stand. After deleting the Web App and creating a new one I now have the .NET options I once had. I was using DevOps to deploy to my Azure App Service and it was all working great. Something changed along the way which made everything stop working. I'm positive it was not on my end and was some change in Azure (or DevOps). Trying to use my CI/CD was bringing me to the exact same error. So I decided to publish my site locally and FTP the files myself. This proved to work just fine and my site is back up. I'm still at a loss as to what happened on the Azure and DevOps. I am sure that the CI/CD with DevOps is either garbage or is just not good. I've tried to rebuild it a few times and it appears a PhD is required to manage the process.

    For now I'm back to 1998 way of doing things to keep my site running. :) Hopefully I can figure out how to get the CD portion of DevOps to deploy to my Azure Web App once again without blowing up.

    Thanks to everyone that put their input in.

2 additional answers

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  1. Milko Minchev 6 Reputation points

    @AmaraCode LLC
    It looks like the error is due to missing container startup command. Did you prepare it for container startup or the intention was to run as web app?

  2. Ryan Hill 26,856 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @AmaraCode LLC ,

    It appears that the base image for your app service got switched over to NODE|14-lts. You can verify this by checking the application logs either through the Log stream blade or the docker logs on the Kudu console during app startup.

    To change it, go to{subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{app-name}/config/web:

    1. Hit the Edit button
    2. Find LinuxFxVersion
    3. Change the value to DOTNETCORE|3.1
    4. Hit Patch.


    I would check the Activity Log blade in addition to your deployment logs to see where exactly this change may have been made.