Thanks for answering my question. Yes, this is memory optimized table and total memory allocated to memory optimized objects size is almost 75 GB but in before it was 53 GB. I had 120 GB max memory on SQL. That time I was easily restore the database now I encounter below the error
Msg 41379, Level 16, State 0, Line 0
Restore operation failed for database 'XYZ' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool 'default'. Close other applications to increase the available memory, ensure that both SQL Server memory configuration and resource pool memory limits are correct and try again. See '' for more information.
Msg 3456, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Could not redo log record (310751:4331:4), for transaction ID (2:-741982062), on page (1:229325), allocation unit 72057637921488896, database 'XYZ' (database ID 7). Page: LSN = (310735:185062:258), allocation unit = 72057637921488896, type = 1. Log: OpCode = 2, context 2, PrevPageLSN: (310749:76109:7). Restore from a backup of the database, or repair the database.
Location: "e:\b\s3\sources\sql\ntdbms\hekaton\engine\core\database.cpp":2663
Expression: db->TransactionMap->ComputeCount() == 0
SPID: 51
Process ID: 7392
Restore was successful but deferred transactions remain. These transactions cannot be resolved because there are data that is unavailable. Either use RESTORE to make that data available or drop the filegroups if you never need this data again. Dropping the filegroup results in a defunct filegroup.
RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR was successful but some damage was encountered. Inconsistencies in the database are possible.
First thing I would more memory to restore the database and then setting up a quota.
So if I set up a quota will that help in next time? Let's say some reason if I have to restore the database then will it consume less memory during the restoration.
Thanks again!