Indexer definition of configuration delimitedTextHeaders to load TSV with fieldMappings where the TSV has spaces in header
I have TSV files in blob containers that have column headers with spaces in the column header string; e.g. Column One, Column Two, Column Three.
In the Indexer Definition (JSON) tab I put the following
"parameters": {
"batchSize": null,
"maxFailedItems": null,
"maxFailedItemsPerBatch": null,
"base64EncodeKeys": null,
"configuration": {
"parsingMode": "delimitedText",
"delimitedTextHeaders": "Column One, Column Two, Column Three"
"fieldMappings": [
"sourceFieldName": "Column One",
"targetFieldName": "id",
"mappingFunction": null
"sourceFieldName": "Column Two",
"targetFieldName": "field1",
"mappingFunction": null
But it did not work. I got an error
Data source does not contain column 'Column One', which is required because it maps to the document key field 'id' in the index <MyIndexName>. Ensure that the 'Column One' column is present in the data source, or add a field mapping that maps one of the existing column names to 'id'.
Obviously I am not doing it correctly. What is the correct Indexer definition for TSV with spaces in headers?