I’m working with a newly deployed 3-Node Azure Stack HCI OS cluster based on Dell AX-650 servers, with a proxy enabled in Azure Stack HCI OS to reach the internet.
Proxy configuration:
We are able to reach most MS URLs through Test-NetConnection -ComputerName 'url' -Port 443. We were able to download and install Windows Updates and even register WAC (Windows Admin Center) in Azure.
Unfortunately, we are unable to register Azure Stack HCI Cluster with Azure, either from WAC or PowerShell. We are getting errors, that PowerShell cannot download required Modules. Once we copy the required Modules to C:\ProgramFiles\Windows Power Shell\Modules, we are facing other errors related to provided commands: Connect-AzAccount -Subscription xxx -Tenant xxx -DeviceAuth, Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication, Register-AzStackHCI.
I assume the problem is related to PowerShell being unable to download proper Modules. Get-PsRepository gives me the output "WARNING: Unable to find module repository". After I run Register-PSRepository -Default and back again Get-PsRepository, there is no change.
Kindly please help me with solving the PowerShell Modules issue, afterward with Azure Stack HCI Cluster registration in Azure. Thank you in advance.