Upgraded my media server hardware and OS to new Win11 system from Win10. Successfully moved my Storage Space to the new machine. Once satisfied it was working properly with Plex Media Server, I added two new HDs (12TB ea) to the existing Storage Pool. This is a 2 way mirror setup.
At first I was getting an error about the drives were not compatible with the current SS (storage space). Using the partition manager, I made sure the new drives had a 512 byte sector, rather than "default". That seemed to allow the drives to be added to the SS without apparent issue, after rebooting. Trying to set to 4K did not allow the drives to be added. Interestingly, later when viewing the SS via a PS cmdlet, noticed that the sector size was 4k after all. Not sure that is meaningful or not.
Optimize drives was checked.
I then expanded the SS from 40 to max 80 TB. SS manager still says pool is OK. With the new drives I now have 58TB and am using about 25 TB. When I tried to access the drive (still optimizing), getting "inaccessible" and then drive needs to be formatted. "Drive does not contain a recognized file system." I did not format, knowing that that formatting would delete the data (about 12 tb of media).
On checking the SS drive (G: on my system) is fine, but RAW. (Disk Manager) Not sure I ever really looked, but it was my understanding that one adds unformatted drives to a SS? When looking at the Disk Manager at the SS drive, what should one see for a file system of a SS? I could not find any information on this.
Cancelled Optimization process and still not accessible.
In PS Get_VirtualDisk: all 8 drives, was 6 before adding, showed OK/healthy.
PS: Get-StoragePool: shows Health Status: Healthy; Operational Status: OK; ReadOnly Reason: None;
In EventViewer: Applications and Services Logs/Microsoft/Windows/StorageSpaces-Driver/Operational during time when Optimization was running shows warning that a disk was having some issues that affect writing. Says that windows will repair the drive.
I am new to all this so have no idea what is happening here. If you need more information, please let me know where/how to find it and I will include it. I will be happy to provide screen shots of any PS results; just let me know what to include.
Bottom Line: How do I get my access to my SS back?
Thank you,
get-virtualdisk | select-object *
Usage : Data
NameFormat :
OperationalStatus : OK
HealthStatus : Healthy
ProvisioningType : Thin
AllocationUnitSize : 268435456
MediaType : Unspecified
ParityLayout :
Access : Read/Write
UniqueIdFormat : Vendor Specific
DetachedReason : None
WriteCacheSize : 0
FaultDomainAwareness : PhysicalDisk
ColumnIsolation : PhysicalDisk
ObjectId : {1}\PHYTOTECHMS\root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/Providers_v2\SPACES_VirtualDisk.Obj
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : 074400A5F92EE9419EC2D4330B7A746D
AllocatedSize : 15657840148480
FootprintOnPool : 31316217167872
FriendlyName : Storage space
Interleave : 262144
IsDeduplicationEnabled : False
IsEnclosureAware : False
IsManualAttach : False
IsSnapshot : False
IsTiered : False
LogicalSectorSize : 4096
MaxIoBandwidth : 0
MaxIops : 0
MinimumLogicalDataCopies : 1
Name :
NumberOfAvailableCopies :
NumberOfColumns : 1
NumberOfDataCopies : 2
NumberOfGroups : 1
OtherOperationalStatusDescription :
OtherUsageDescription :
PhysicalDiskRedundancy : 1
PhysicalSectorSize : 4096
ReadCacheSize : 0
RequestNoSinglePointOfFailure : False
ResiliencySettingName : Mirror
Size : 87960930222080
TrackValidData : False
UniqueIdFormatDescription :
WriteCacheReserveSize : 0
PSComputerName :
CimClass : ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage:MSFT_VirtualDisk
CimInstanceProperties : {ObjectId, PassThroughClass, PassThroughIds, PassThroughNamespace...}
CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties