You can adapt & improve the old MS KB Q112639 (C/Win32, 1992)
I re-compiled it in VS 2020 :
How can we increase or decrease the size of dialog box so that it can also change the size of all the button and menu also in MFC?
void CMFCApplication6Dlg::OnFontIncreasefont()
/*LPCTSTR text = _T("Hello World");
Correct rect;
x = rect.Height();
int y = rect.Width();
cout << x << endl;
cout << y << endl;
SetWindowPos(NULL, 200, 300, x + 150, y + 10, SWP_NOMOVE);
CFont font;
fon + 5, // nHeight
0, // nWidth
0, // nEscapement
0, // nOrientation
FW_NORMAL, // nWeight
FALSE, // bItalic
FALSE, // bUnderline
0, // cStrikeOut
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision
DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily
_T("Arial")); // lpszFacename
fon = fon + 5;
4 answers
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Castorix31 85,796 Reputation points
2022-12-27T08:56:59.143+00:00 -
Minxin Yu 11,996 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2022-12-27T08:48:50.253+00:00 Hi, @Aman Anand
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!You can use WM_SIZE message and CWnd::movewindow.
void CMFCApplication6Dlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CDialogEx::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); CWnd* pwnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_XXX); if (pwnd->GetSafeHwnd()) { pwnd->MoveWindow(...); } // TODO: Add your message handler code here }
Best regards,
Minxin Yu
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Minxin Yu 11,996 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2022-12-28T09:45:19.22+00:00 Below is a simple snippet to modified controls' size. You need to add additional adjustments for special controls.
variables in MFC dlg.h
CRect m_rect;
std::vector<CRect> storeRect;OnInitDialog() { // TODO: Add extra initialization here for (CWnd* pwnd = GetWindow(GW_CHILD); pwnd != NULL; pwnd = pwnd->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT)) { CRect rect; ::GetWindowRect(pwnd->GetSafeHwnd(), &rect); ScreenToClient(&rect); storeRect.push_back(rect); } ::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &m_rect); ScreenToClient(&m_rect); } void CMFCApplication6Dlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CDialogEx::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if (m_rect.Width() != 0) { int count = 0; for (CWnd *pwnd = GetWindow(GW_CHILD); pwnd != NULL; pwnd = pwnd->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT)) { CRect temp; temp.CopyRect(&storeRect[count]); float width = (float)cx / m_rect.Width(); float hight = (float)cy / m_rect.Height(); temp.left *= width; temp.right *= width; *= hight; temp.bottom *= hight; if (pwnd->GetSafeHwnd()) { pwnd->MoveWindow(temp); } count++; } } }
Aman Anand 1 Reputation point
2023-01-09T07:28:58.183+00:00 if i am trying to use by my code, it's not increasing respective of dialog and button .