This issue may be related to the way the Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK is initialized and shutdown. When the scene is reloaded, the body tracking SDK may not be properly initialized again.
One possible solution is to create a separate script that handles the initialization and shutdown of the body tracking SDK. This script should be added to a GameObject that persists across scene changes.
private void Awake()
// Load the body tracking DLL
bodyTrackingDllHandle = LoadLibrary(BodyTrackingDllPath);
// Get the function pointers to the body tracking functions
k4abt_tracker_create_func = GetProcAddress(bodyTrackingDllHandle, "k4abt_tracker_create");
k4abt_tracker_destroy_func = GetProcAddress(bodyTrackingDllHandle, "k4abt_tracker_destroy");
k4abt_tracker_enqueue_capture_func = GetProcAddress(bodyTrackingDllHandle, "k4abt_tracker_enqueue_capture");
k4abt_tracker_pop_result_func = GetProcAddress(bodyTrackingDllHandle, "k4abt_tracker_pop_result");
// Create the body tracking tracker handle
int calibrationHandle = GetCalibrationHandle();
k4abt_tracker_create_func(calibrationHandle, IntPtr.Zero, out trackerHandle);