How to catch current stream position before istream_iterator

Krzysztof Żelechowski 41 Reputation points

I am trying to create an extension of class istream_iterator that saves the input stream position before each read. How should I implement the constructor so that it can catch the stream position at the time the constructor was called? Because it is a subclass of istream_iterator, the constructor constructs the base class first; but after the base class has been constructed, the stream position will have changed (this is how istream_iterator works). Short of reimplementing istream_iterator (which is probably the best option because the istream_iterator does not let me ask its underlying stream for its current position, meaning that I need to keep another reference to the same input stream), what are my options here?

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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 113.7K Reputation points

    Check the next approach too:

    class MyIterator : istream_iterator<char>
        MyIterator( istream& stream )
            : MyIterator( stream, stream.tellg() )
        MyIterator( istream& stream, istream::pos_type pos )
            : istream_iterator( stream ), startPos( pos )
        istream::pos_type const startPos;

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  1. Igor Tandetnik 1,106 Reputation points

    Something like this should work:

    MyIterator::MyIterator(istream& stream)
        : istream_iterator((cur_pos = stream.tellg(), stream)) {}