I have two lists having uploaded image details here-:
list 1- IReadOnlyList<BrowserFile>? ListFileToUpload = Array.Empty<BrowserFile>(); ---binding to---> <MudList>
list 2- IReadOnlyList<Images>? imageListUI { get; set; } = Array.Empty<Images>(); ---binding to---> <MudTable>
one list for pure image/uploaded file metadata and second list also contains same
but for different operatios later.whenever user browse multiple images, first list will get the uploaded file details and trigger the second list..First list details i am binding in a <MudList> and second list
i am binding first list in <MudList> and second list in <MudTable> .Both <MudList> and <MudTable> are in different component .
second list getting details automaticaly when first list got updated.Till this i am able to do but for next,
from <MudTable>,(using only second list) i need to edit the file name and i need a remove file items.that shoud reflect both
<MudList> and <MudTable>. How i can do this edit and remove item operation from second list this with the below code pattern
<FileInput @bind-SelectedFiles="createimage.ListFileToUpload"/> //calling fileinput component by passing file
//in below table i need to add inline edit and delete item functionality.that change should reflects in <MudList>
@if (createimage.imageList.Count > 0)
<MudTable Items="createimage.imageListUI" Hover="true" Dense="true" Class="mb-4" Striped="true">
<RowTemplate Context="mediaItem">
<MudTd DataLabel="Filename">@mediaItem.Name</MudTd>
<MudTd DataLabel="FileNameWithoutExtension">@mediaItem.ContentType</MudTd>
<MudTd DataLabel="Edit">
public partial class UI
private Createimage createimage = new();
//initializing and get set to lists
public class Createimage{
public IReadOnlyList<Images>? imageListUI { get; set; } = Array.Empty<Images>();
private IReadOnlyList<BrowserFile>? _ListFileToUpload = Array.Empty<BrowserFile>();
public IReadOnlyList<BrowserFile>? ListFileToUpload
get { return this._ListFileToUpload; }
this._ListFileToUpload = value;
imageListUI = value.Select(file => new Images(file)).ToList();
public class Images
private BrowserFile file;
public Images(BrowserFile file)
this.file = file;
Name = file.FileName;
ContentType = file.FileExtension;
public String Name { get; set; }
public String ContentType { get; set; }
public class BrowserFile
public BrowserFile(IBrowserFile file)
File = file ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
FileName = Path.GetFileName(File.Name);
public IBrowserFile File { get; }
@foreach (var fileInfo in SelectedFiles)
<MudListItem @key="@fileInfo.File">
<MudChip Color="Color.Dark"
Style="overflow: hidden; width: 60px;"
public IReadOnlyList<BrowserFile> SelectedFiles { get; set; } = Array.Empty<BrowserFil>(); //getting selected files
through component parameter
private async Task OnFilesChanged(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
var files = new List<BrowserFile>(e.FileCount);
files.AddRange(e.GetMultipleFiles(50).Select(file => new BrowserFilefile)));