This might seems silly
but i dont know whats wrong with my windows
frist of all an error occurred in a black windows "ksornel.exe(or something like that/system 32 ) missing or corrupted "
then i restarted and it solved
but when i logged in see many problem like :
-I cannot pin any program to the task bar
-cant change default program
-cant show or hide hidden files
-chrome appdata missing - There was no problem with this folder [AppData\Local\Google\Chrome ] - But this folder was empty [AppData\Local\Temp\Google\Chrome]
-all default programms for all file types changed to kmp
- New panel from right click was empty
and etc...
I tried different ways:
- repair windows from disk
- windows repair tools and programs
- tried to resolve add new folder to New on Right click from Registry Editor from a tip that i saw on internet but when i headed to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Directory/background/shellex/context menu handlers/New
There was [New] key with same value {D969A300-E7FF-11d0-A93B-00A0C90F2719}, But it seems that it was not read by Windows
- I tried Windows key/Default program too but But it was not resolved
I don't know what is the problem
In any case, I would appreciate your help