@Justin Verstijnen any thoughts?
Cannot Browse due to SSL ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID , when I sync my clock to correct time
Colby Stoker
Reputation points
I seem to be having some security related issues with browser based SSL, I am receiving ERR CERT DATE INVALID, only when my time is synced correctly.
To be clear, I sync my time, the system clock reads the correct time, and I receive this error.
I can only browse secure websites when the clock is set +5 hours (European Time I am US BASED)
3 answers
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Colby Stoker 5 Reputation points
2023-01-16T22:56:06.1966667+00:00 @Anonymous your feedback would be appreciated here. Thanks
Kapil Arya 8,201 Reputation points MVP
2023-01-17T09:41:43.8433333+00:00 Just to check, can you try setting the time manually and see if that helps?
Also try these:
-restart browser
-update browser
-change browser
-restart system