@Thyagarajulu B M Welcome to Microsoft Q&A, thank you for posting your here!!
- Data size - Size of the data intended for transfer,
- Transfer frequency - One-time or periodic data ingestion, and
- Network – Bandwidth available for data transfer in your environment.
If the size of the data is 1.5 TB assuming if the transfer frequency is once and with moderate bandwidth to High Bandwidth you can choose the available tools (Azcopy, Storage explorer, CLI, powershell, Rest API's, Data Box and Data Factory) from the below table.
Also, you can check the duration of the data transfer with respect to the Network bandwidth.
Please check the below reference link on how to transfer the data with different tools.
- Transfer data with Data Box.
- Transfer data with AzCopy.
- Transfer data with Data Box Gateway.
- Transform data with Azure Stack Edge before sending to Azure.
- Learn how to transfer data with Azure Data Factory.
- Use the REST APIs to transfer data:
Hope it helps!!!
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