In C#, you can implement RSA with a key length of 3072 bits or above or Elliptic Curve (EC) with a key length of 384 bits or above for Public key Signature or asymmetric cryptography using the classes in the System.Security.Cryptography namespace.
Here is an example of how to generate an RSA key pair with a key length of 3072 bits:
using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create(3072))
// Generate public and private key
RSAParameters rsaParams = rsa.ExportParameters(true);
// Use the keys for encryption/decryption or signing/verifying
And this is how you can generate an Elliptic Curve key pair with a key length of 384 bits:
using (ECDsa ecdsa = ECDsa.Create(ECCurve.NamedCurves.brainpoolP384r1))
// Generate public and private key
ECParameters ecParams = ecdsa.ExportParameters(true);
// Use the keys for signing/verifying
You can also use the Cng class to create an RSA or ECDsa key with a specific key size.
Regarding the implementation of the key size restriction for the TLS handshake, it depends on the implementation of your application's transport layer security (TLS) protocol.
If the application uses the built-in .NET Framework classes for TLS, such as SslStream, then you will need to implement the key size restriction at the application level, by validating the key size of the certificate used during the TLS handshake and rejecting connections that do not meet the minimum key size requirement.
If the application uses a third-party library for the TLS implementation, you should check the library's documentation to see if it has built-in support for key size restrictions.