Virtual machine scale set - setup with SWAP in Kubernetes Setup

Johannes Fuchs 0 Reputation points


we have created a Kubernetes Service in Azure. It has a Virtual Machine Scal Set (VMSS) that is manged by Azure.

Now we want to update the Operating System Settings (Ubuntu) in Azure of the VMSS to have a setup with active SWAP.

We checked this article: [

and the sublink: [

        table_type: mbr
        layout: [[100, 82]]
        overwrite: True
    - device: ephemeral0.1
      filesystem: swap
    - ["ephemeral0.1", "none", "swap", "sw,nofail,x-systemd.requires=cloud-init.service", "0", "0"]

When we use the provided setup and paste the code to VMSS --> Operating system --> Custom data it is not working and the nodes do not have a swap after using reimage button. Also its not working when we take the code and use teraform to generate a base64 code and past this to the custom data field.

Is a swap not working in combination with VMSS and Kubernetes or is it just the wrong config?

Thank you in advanced


Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Azure compute resources that are used to create and manage groups of heterogeneous load-balanced virtual machines.
365 questions
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