202 error from Computer Vision

Jon Behr 6 Reputation points


I'm getting a 202 when I POST: https://{endpoint}/vision/v3.2/read/analyze

(I've used my endpoint from my account for this project).

Content-Type: application/json

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: [my subscription key]


where my @imageURL = [https://storage.googleapis.com/media.landbot.io/251624/customers/144015905/MOPRQJ5LTDE40PM5M6710T5FIOVCMJ4V.png

The response body is as follows:

"No JSON response\n"

Whereas I was expecting a response header field called Operation-Location. The Operation-Location value is a URL that contains the Operation ID to be used in the next step.

Why might this be? Thanks.

Azure Computer Vision
Azure Computer Vision
An Azure artificial intelligence service that analyzes content in images and video.
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  1. Jon Behr 6 Reputation points

    Here's my layout:

    User's image

    User's image

    and this is what returns:

    User's image

    And here it is working on your console with all the same info:

    User's image