Thank you for posting your query.
Kindly follow the steps provided below to resolve your issue.
Batch files for backing up and restoring Windows wifi networks
@ECHO OFFREM This will export all wifi profiles to the current folder. Each profile has its own XML file.netsh wlan export profile key=clear
@ECHO OFFREM This will loop through all *.xml files in the current folder and import the profiles FORFILES /M *.xml /C "cmd /c netsh wlan add profile @path"
Go to this link for your reference and other troubleshooting procedures https://gist.github.com/pseudosavant/c7f0bbba32a7a765a5132eba2fb4f51e
Note: This is a non-Microsoft website kindly take precautions before downloading anything.
Do not hesitate to message us if you need further assistance.
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