Wifi Profiles no longer working
We have wireless profiles deployed through Intune to for each of our sites, these are setup in the Devices > Configuration Profiles. After this past weekend almost all of the devices are showing errors on Check in status. Errors displaying as "WindowsWifiConfiguration.WiFiSharedKeyMaterial", "WindowsWifiConfiguration.MeteredConnectionLimitPcl", or "WindowsWifiConfiguration.WifiSharedKeyVersion". This is causing the wifi profiles for our sites to not connect, requiring the wifi key to be entered. Entering the wifi key does resolve the issue, but that defeats the whole purpose of having these profiles pushed out. For two of the profiles that we have made no change and just resaved, the errors are resolving as the machines are checking back in to intune. In one of the profiles that we have not saved again, it is still showing almost 100% error on check-in status. Any thoughts on what could have caused this when nothing has changed?