Unable to create new group inside Administrative Unit using Graph API
I intend to create a new group inside an Administrative Unit in AAD programmatically. I will run this under the context of a service principal.
I am facing 2 issues:
- Unable to find AddAsync() on Graph SDK version 4.52.0
await graphClient.Directory.AdministrativeUnits["{administrativeUnit-id}"].Members.Request().AddAsync(newGroupObject);
Error - AddAsync missing error
- GroupAdministrato role on AU: I assigned GroupAdministrator role to my service principal + Directory.Read.All graph API permission, however, I am still not able to create a new group inside AU and it says insufficient privileges.
If I assign AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All permission to service principal, I am able to create the group inside AU.
Why is Group Administrator role not working as intended? Am I missing something?
For issue # 2, If I assign AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All permission to service principal, I am able to create the group inside AU.