TSQL split string text column

RJ 306 Reputation points

Hi there,

I'm looking to split a delimited text of a single column into multiple appropriate derived column. The derived columns needs to be dynamic based on the content and need not be in order as abc.. but as long as the parsed string is grouped appropriately into the columns that would be enough.

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create table dbo.t1(
	[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[details] [varchar](255) NULL

insert into dbo.t1 ([details])
values ('d=4; a=1; b=2;e=5'),
('c=3; b=2; a=1')

select * from dbo.t1

i have come upto this 

 SELECT t.id, t.details,
  ltrim(rtrim(substring(s.value,1,PATINDEX('%=%',s.value)-1)))  newcol 
,substring(s.value,PATINDEX('%=%',s.value)+1,100) newval
  FROM [VEAR_SA_TEST].dbo.t1 t 
  CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(t.[details], ';') s

Any suggestion how to pivot it as single row?

Thanks a bunch.

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3 answers

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  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 26,376 Reputation points

    Hi @RJ,

    Please try the following solution.

    -- DDL and sample data population, start
    DECLARE @tbl table (id int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, details varchar(255) NULL);
    INSERT INTO @tbl (details) VALUES 
    ('d=4; a=1; b=2;e=5'),
    ('c=3; b=2; a=1');
    -- DDL and sample data population, end
    DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = ';';
    -- Method #1
    select t.*
    	, a = SUBSTRING(c.value('(/root/r[substring(text()[1],1,1)="a"]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)'), 3,10)
    	, b = SUBSTRING(c.value('(/root/r[substring(text()[1],1,1)="b"]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)'), 3,10)
    	, c = SUBSTRING(c.value('(/root/r[substring(text()[1],1,1)="c"]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)'), 3,10)
    	, d = SUBSTRING(c.value('(/root/r[substring(text()[1],1,1)="d"]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)'), 3,10)
    	, e = SUBSTRING(c.value('(/root/r[substring(text()[1],1,1)="e"]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(10)'), 3,10)
    FROM @tbl AS t
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TRY_CAST('<root><r><![CDATA[' + 
          REPLACE(REPLACE(details,SPACE(1),''), @separator, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') + 
          ']]></r></root>' AS XML)) AS t1(c);
    -- Method #2
    SELECT t.* 
    	, a = JSON_VALUE(j,'$[0].a')
    	, b = JSON_VALUE(j,'$[0].b')
    	, c = JSON_VALUE(j,'$[0].c')
    	, d = JSON_VALUE(j,'$[0].d')
    	, e = JSON_VALUE(j,'$[0].e')
    FROM @tbl
    	,'=','":') + '}]' AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
    ) AS t(j);
    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. Jingyang Li 5,896 Reputation points
    drop table if exists t1
    create table dbo.t1(
    	[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    	[details] [varchar](255) NULL
    insert into dbo.t1 ([details])
    values ('d=4; a=1; b=2;e=5'),
    ('c=3; b=2; a=1')
    ,('ac=3; ab=2; aa=1')
    select * from dbo.t1
     SELECT t.id, t.details,
      ltrim(rtrim(substring(s.value,1,PATINDEX('%=%',s.value)-1)))  newcol 
    ,substring(s.value,PATINDEX('%=%',s.value)+1,100) newval
     FROM dbo.t1 t 
      CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(t.[details], ';') s
    declare @ColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX) ;
    set @ColumnHeaders = STUFF( (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + quotename(newcol,'[') 
                                 FROM atemptable
                                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');
    SET @SQL = 
        'SELECT id, ' + @ColumnHeaders +' FROM atemptable t
             MAX([newval]) FOR [newcol] IN (' + @ColumnHeaders + ')
         ) p';
    print @sql
    drop table atemptable;
    1 person found this answer helpful.
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  3. Jingyang Li 5,896 Reputation points
    drop table if exists t1;
    create table t1 (  details varchar(255) NULL);
    insert into dbo.t1 ([details])
    values ('d=4;   a=1; b=2;e=5'),
    ('c=3;  b=2; a=1')
    ;with mycte as (
    select *
    ,' {"'+Replace(Replace(replace([details],' ',''), '=','":"'),';','","') +'"} ' jsonInfo
    from t1)
    SELECT   [details],jsonInfo,
     JSON_VALUE(jsonInfo,'$.a') as [a],
    JSON_VALUE(jsonInfo,'$.b') as [b],
    JSON_VALUE(jsonInfo,'$.c') as [c],
    JSON_VALUE(jsonInfo,'$.d') as [d] ,
    JSON_VALUE(jsonInfo,'$.e') as [e] 
    from mycte

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