I can't deploy QnA from Language Studio when the Language Resource uses Customer Managed Keys
I have a working Azure Bot application that uses a QnA knowledge base that is saved in Language Studio.
The Azure Language Resource has been setup and I am able to use it correctly but there were some compliance issues with the resource when it came to the language service Encryption so I had to change it from "Microsoft Managed Keys" to "Customer Managed Keys", and it prompted me to create a Key Vault with a key that would be connected to this resource as seen in the image below
And the bot still works, still gets the information from the QnA and shows it to the user, but when this is on I am unable to update the knowledge base, I can make changes and save them, but when I try to deploy said changes it fails
How can I have the resource using Customer Managed Keys and be able to update the QnA Knowledge base without consistently turning off and on the encryption?