WPF Mousemove is a noticeable lag

Brandon Boone 31 Reputation points

I am making a UserControl called VolumeScrollBar to control the volume a video player I am working on. Now the problem I am having is when I slide my SwitchPath it moves noticeable slower than my mouse. How can I fix this ?

note: everything is working but the speed.

Also, I am not using the built in sliding bar because I do not like how it looks. So I designed my own Volume scroll bar in Adobe Illustrator.

here is my code behind:

  public partial class VolumeScrollBar : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
        private bool _handToolMove;
        private double _volume;
        private double _volumeOut;
        const double ValumeMaxHigh = 0.81;
        const double LocationMaxHigh = 0.69334;


        public double Volume
            get => (double)GetValue(VolumeProperty);

                if (_volume == value) return;
                _volume = value;
                SetValue(VolumeProperty, value);

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propName = "") =>
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));

        // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for LEDState.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
        public static readonly DependencyProperty VolumeProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("Volume", typeof(double), typeof(VolumeScrollBar), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, (o, e) => ((VolumeScrollBar)o).OnVolumeChanged()));
        private void OnVolumeChanged()

        private void ChangeTheVolume(double newVolume)
            if (newVolume < 0 || newVolume > 100) return;

            newVolume = Math.Round(newVolume);
            double tempVolume = (ValumeMaxHigh * newVolume);
            ColorBarPath.Width = tempVolume;

            double pointX = (LocationMaxHigh * newVolume) + 46.11;
            Canvas.SetLeft(SwitchPath, pointX); // set the left position of rectangle to mouse X
            Displaytxb.Text = Convert.ToString(newVolume);


        public VolumeScrollBar()
            RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode = RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;

        private void SwitchPath_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
            _handToolMove = true;


        private void SwitchPath_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_handToolMove)
                Point v = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
                Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.24946035807;


        private void SwitchPath_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (_handToolMove)
                Point v = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
                Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.25;
                _handToolMove = false;
                Cursor = Cursors.Hand;

here is my XAML code:

<Canvas x:Name="VolumeScrollBarCanvas"  Height="21" Width="160" >
    <Path x:Name="Path_7" Width="15" Height="13" Canvas.Left="0.777" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 67.6183,648C 67.5503,648 67.4809,648.019 67.4156,648.061L 62.6556,651.173L 61.3916,652L 55.9996,652C 54.5276,652 53.3329,653.193 53.3329,654.667C 53.3329,656.14 54.5276,657.333 55.9996,657.333L 61.3916,657.333L 62.6556,658.16L 67.4156,661.272C 67.4809,661.315 67.5503,661.333 67.6183,661.333C 67.8169,661.333 67.9996,661.169 67.9996,660.937L 67.9996,654.667L 67.9996,648.395C 67.9996,648.164 67.8169,648 67.6183,648 Z M 66.6663,650.144L 66.6663,654.667L 66.6663,659.189L 63.3863,657.044L 62.1209,656.217L 61.7889,656L 61.3916,656L 55.9996,656C 55.2649,656 54.6663,655.401 54.6663,654.667C 54.6663,653.932 55.2649,653.333 55.9996,653.333L 61.3916,653.333L 61.7889,653.333L 62.1209,653.116L 63.3849,652.289L 66.6663,650.144 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="WhiteBarPath" Width="81" Height="7" Canvas.Left="46.111" Canvas.Top="6.223" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 176.667,657.333L 102,657.333C 100.167,657.333 98.6667,655.833 98.6667,654L 98.6667,654C 98.6667,652.167 100.167,650.667 102,650.667L 176.667,650.667C 178.5,650.667 180,652.167 180,654L 180,654C 180,655.833 178.5,657.333 176.667,657.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="Path_8" Width="13" Height="20" Canvas.Left="24.151" Canvas.Top="0.639" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 78.6667,645.333C 77.9893,645.333 77.3347,645.451 76.7067,645.648C 81.5307,646.025 85.3333,650.212 85.3333,655.333C 85.3333,660.455 81.5293,664.641 76.7067,665.019C 77.3347,665.216 77.9893,665.333 78.6667,665.333C 83.0853,665.333 89.3333,660.856 89.3333,655.333C 89.3333,649.811 83.0853,645.333 78.6667,645.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
    <Path x:Name="Path_9" Width="9.26" Height="15" Canvas.Left="19.168" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 73.1609,648C 72.6636,648 72.1849,648.085 71.7236,648.231C 75.2609,648.508 78.0503,651.579 78.0503,655.333C 78.0503,659.088 75.2609,662.159 71.7236,662.436C 72.1849,662.581 72.6636,662.667 73.1609,662.667C 76.4009,662.667 80.9836,659.384 80.9836,655.333C 80.9836,651.283 76.4009,648 73.1609,648 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="Path_10" Width="4" Height="5" Canvas.Left="18.11" Canvas.Top="8.266" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 72.4039,652.71C 72.2399,652.71 70.9452,652.756 70.6665,652.81L 70.6665,657.311C 71.0052,657.364 72.3412,657.306 72.4039,657.306C 73.6732,657.306 74.7012,656.276 74.7012,655.007C 74.7012,653.739 73.6732,652.71 72.4039,652.71 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="ColorBarPath" Width="81" Height="7" Canvas.Left="46.111" Canvas.Top="6.223" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF6557FF" Data="F1 M 176.667,657.333L 102,657.333C 100.167,657.333 98.6667,655.833 98.6667,654L 98.6667,654C 98.6667,652.167 100.167,650.667 102,650.667L 176.667,650.667C 178.5,650.667 180,652.167 180,654L 180,654C 180,655.833 178.5,657.333 176.667,657.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Ellipse x:Name="SwitchPath"    MouseDown="SwitchPath_MouseDown"  MouseMove="SwitchPath_MouseMove"  Mouse.MouseUp="SwitchPath_MouseUp"  Width="19" Height="19" Canvas.Left="115.444" Canvas.Top="0.889" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="Path_7_Copy" Width="15" Height="13" Canvas.Left="0.777" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 67.6183,648C 67.5503,648 67.4809,648.019 67.4156,648.061L 62.6556,651.173L 61.3916,652L 55.9996,652C 54.5276,652 53.3329,653.193 53.3329,654.667C 53.3329,656.14 54.5276,657.333 55.9996,657.333L 61.3916,657.333L 62.6556,658.16L 67.4156,661.272C 67.4809,661.315 67.5503,661.333 67.6183,661.333C 67.8169,661.333 67.9996,661.169 67.9996,660.937L 67.9996,654.667L 67.9996,648.395C 67.9996,648.164 67.8169,648 67.6183,648 Z M 66.6663,650.144L 66.6663,654.667L 66.6663,659.189L 63.3863,657.044L 62.1209,656.217L 61.7889,656L 61.3916,656L 55.9996,656C 55.2649,656 54.6663,655.401 54.6663,654.667C 54.6663,653.932 55.2649,653.333 55.9996,653.333L 61.3916,653.333L 61.7889,653.333L 62.1209,653.116L 63.3849,652.289L 66.6663,650.144 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
    <Path x:Name="Path_6" Width="13" Height="12" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 61.5899,656.667L 56.0005,656.667C 54.8965,656.667 54.0005,655.769 54.0005,654.667C 54.0005,653.564 54.8965,652.667 56.0005,652.667L 61.5899,652.667L 67.3339,648.912L 67.3339,660.421L 61.5899,656.667 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Canvas.Left="1.777" Canvas.Top="4.056"/>
    <TextBlock  x:Name="Displaytxb"  Height="18" Canvas.Left="136.069" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="100" Canvas.Top="1.917" Width="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Foreground="White"/>

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  1. Hui Liu-MSFT 38,251 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi,@Brandon Boone .Welcome Microsoft Q&A.

    Generally, you can modify the control Slider through Style, Template and Dependency Property (Attached Property) to get the VolumeScrollBar you want in WPF.

    The problem here is not the speed of rendering, but just in your geometric calculation. With the mouse movement, the volume did not zoom 1: 1. (In other words, as is y = mx+b, M needs to be 1).

    Therefore, this line in SwitchPath_MouseMove -

      Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.24946035807;

    Would be better written as

      Volume = (v.X - 46.11) / ValumeMaxHigh;

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