Save output model from a training job
I am trying to use Azure ML studio to run training jobs with python scripts using Spacy library.
The script runs fine and I can see the logs with training progress. However I am having difficulties storing/accessing the output model that should be created during the training. Spacy takes an "output" path where it can save model folders at different steps of the training. I am however unable to locate these at the end of the job.
I tried using Outputs in the Job settings but it returns an error and I can't run the job. The Output Type is forced on "Data" and when I select the following to reference an output path for Azure to store the model
I get an error about an unexpected "JobOutputType" eventhough I can't change it from the default "Data" in the dropdown.
Any idea how to fix this and have a way to save the model somewhere during training ? I am new to Azure ML so I may not be doing things correctly
Thank you,
Best regards,