Hello. I currently have two resource groups. CustomerA and CustomerB. Each resource group has an App Service, an SQL server, a storage account and a VNet.
The VNet is relatively new. So I am working to integrate.
I understand that I can integrate the App Service to the VNet (AppSvcSubnet) and then create a private link from the SQL (PrivateLinkSubnet) and add an endpoint for the storage account too, to the PrivateLinkSubnet.
I've also got the private DNS zone setup. Focussing on SQL, privatelink.database.windows.net is working. CustomerA.privatelink.database.windows.net points to the subnet IP for SQL server.
Using customer a app service console, when I type NameResolver CustomerA.database.windows.net is returns the internal VNet IP and shows me the alias of the private DNS. Which is correct and I understand this is how it is meant to work.
When I try to do the same for CustomerB despite the setup being identical from what I can see, I get the public IP of the SQL server and it shows me 4 aliases. One is the privatedns alias but the rest appear to be public DNS alises within Microsoft.
The idea here is to remove all public access to the SQL server, restricting just VNet access. If the NameResolver result is the public IP that suggests the app service is going out to come back in and that will result in a public access attempt which will deny.
Is there something I'm missing that anyone can think.