How to prevent Windows from not drawing a window that is offscreen?
We have created a streaming application that captures a particular window from a PC and streams to another PC.
As part of a requirement, we have to move this particular window offscreen (i.e., out of the boundaries of desktop screen size) and then stream that window.
Currently if we move the window offscreen, streaming is working but the window is not drawn once it is moved offscreen. As a result, any updates happening in that window is not drawn and the stream also doesn't show the updates inside that window.
We have found out that the reason behind Windows not drawing anything that is offscreen is the optimizations introduced as part of Desktop Window Manager available in Windows since Windows Vista.
Question 1 - Is there a way to make Windows draw this particular window even when its offscreen?
Question 2 - If not, is there a way to disable DWM in Windows 10?
Question 3 - If not, is there a way to tweak DWM so that it draws windows that are offscreen?