Hi, thanks for your question at Q&A. I hope you are doing well. I understand that you want to downgrade a standard SKU public IP that was upgraded from basic SKU. This documentation states in in the yellow remark in step 6 of the upgrade procedure that once the upgrade is performed it cannot be reversed. I hope that helps in finding a solution for your issue.
How to enable "AllowPublicIPSkuDowngrade" for OpenVPN Cloud Connector?
Isaiah S
Reputation points
I attempted to deploy one of OpenVPN's automated build scripts for their Cloud connector, and initially got an error reporting that the IP SKU could not be basic, so I upgraded it to Standard, now, I see the following error.
"code": "PublicIPSKUDowngradeFeatureNotEnabled",
"message": "PublicIP /subscriptions/redacted/resourceGroups/redacted/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/redacted SKU downgrade feature flag Microsoft.Network/AllowPublicIPSkuDowngrade is not enabled for this subscription /subscriptions/redacted/resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/subscriptions/."
I cannot find any information relating to that error code. Has anyone else seen it before?