Signupandsignin user flow and password reset user flow in json, Requires exact technicalprofileid which is used in json for invoked and create userflow through powershell.
Aditya Kumar
Reputation points
As the below json file for signin userflow I need this for signupandsignin user flow and password reset user flow in json. technical profile id require for other userflows which I didn't get from anywhere. Can you please provide exact technicalprofileid which is used in json for invoked and create userflow through powershell.
"id": "signin",
"type": "B2CSignIn_V3",
"protocol": "OpenIdConnect",
"booleanData": {
"mfaDisable": true,
"allowEmailFactor": true
"idpData": {
"idpSelection": [
"technicalProfileId": "SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email-V3-SignInOnly"
"userAttributesData": {
"claims": [
"id": "displayName"
"id": "emails"
"id": "extension_MyAttribute"
"id": "objectId"
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