how to fix AutoFixture.ObjectCreationExceptionWithPath: AutoFixture was unable to create an instance from AutoMapper.IMapper

Mehran Kordavani 20 Reputation points

i have below code for xunit testing in asp .net core

using AutoFixture.Xunit2;using AutoMapper;using FluentAssertions;using Moq;using MyRBV.AppService.Cars;using MyRBV.AppService.Contract.Cars;using MyRBV.DomainService.Cruds;using MyRBV.Model.Cars;namespace AppService.Test.Cars;public class CarServiceTest{    private readonly ICarService _service;    private readonly IMapper _mapper;    public CarServiceTest([Frozen] Func<IMapper> mapper)    {        _mapper = mapper();        _service = new CarService(GetDomain(), _mapper);    }    //[Fact]    [Theory, AutoData]    public async Task Add_CheckInvalidCarName_ThrowsValidationException(Func<IMapper> mapper)    {        var car = new CarDto("abghjkl;jhl;kjhkl;'lkjh" +                             "sdfghjksdfgsfghgfdsfghdsfg" +                             "sdfgdsfgsfgdsfgdsfghdsfgdsfg" +                             "sadfgdsfgdsfgsfgdsfgdsfgdsfg" +                             "sdfghdfsghdsfgdsfghdfgdghdfg");        var action = new Func<Task<CarDto>>(() => _service.Add(car));        await action.Should().ThrowAsync<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();    }    private ICrudDomainService<Car> GetDomain()    {        var domainMock = new Mock<ICrudDomainService<Car>>();        domainMock.Setup(domain => domain.Add(It.IsAny<Car>()));        return domainMock.Object;    }}

when i run my text i get below error

AutoFixture.ObjectCreationExceptionWithPath: AutoFixture was unable to create an instance from AutoMapper.IMapper because it's an interface. There's n...

anyone have any idea to help me?

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