Thank you for posting your query.
Kindly follow the steps provided below to resolve your issue.
To exclude a specific folder’s contents, along with subfolders and their contents, the path to that folder can be specified with a minus sign as in this example syntax:
-folder:(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\chart graphing)
If you know that the folder has a unique name within the full area that you are searching, then you can leave off most of the path, as in:
-folder:(chart graphing)
If you instead want to permit searching inside of subfolders of such a folder, while still excluding files that are immediately inside of that folder, then use:
-foldername:(chart graphing)
You can use multiple instances of the syntax to exclude more than one folder.
Go to this link for your reference and other troubleshooting procedures https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-do-exclude-folders-from-windows-search/58f845f6-d6fa-449e-a921-52be453038f1
Do not hesitate to message us if you need further assistance.
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