Why AKS loadbalancer created wrong health check path?

LiborOndruek-3549 21 Reputation points

Hi folks.

We are using AKS with ingress-nginx controllers for public access to our services. Loadbalancer, which is provisioned automatically for ingress controller had set health check to / path instead of /healthz. It caused ingress in AKS was not accessible. Is it bug or my mistake.

Thanks Libor

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
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  1. Prrudram-MSFT 22,836 Reputation points

    Hello @LiborOndruek-3549

    What version of AKS is this?

    The corrected health probe path needed for 1.22 and up is.

    --set controller.service.annotations."service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz.

    We recently jumped the NGINX Ingress Controller version number from 1.x to 2.x, to signal compatibility with version 1 of the Kubernetes API (released in Kubernetes 1.22). To find out why this matters see, NGINX Ingress Controller Version 2.0: What You Need to Know - NGINX

    Steps for Updating NGINX-ingress to use the stable Ingress API https://kubernetes.io/blog/2021/07/26/update-with-ingress-nginx/

     helm repo add ingress-nginx  https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx

    helm repo update

    *helm upgrade --install --version <<version>>> nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx *

      *--create-namespace *

      *--namespace ingress *

      --set controller.service.annotations."service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz 

    Hope this helps!
    If you have any further questions at all, please let me know in the comments.

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