I have created a copy data activity in azure data factory and this data pipeline pulls the data from an API (via REST activity source) and writes the response body (json) on a file kept in the azure blob storage. The API which I am fetching the response from, is paginated and the link to next page is sent in the response headers in response->headers->link.
This URL to next page is in the following general format: <https%3A%2F%2FsomeAPI.com%2Fv2%2FgetRequest%3FperPage%3D80%26sortOrder%3DDESCENDING%26nextPageToken%3DVAdjkjklfjjgkl>; rel="next"
I want to fetch the next page token present in the above URL and use it in the pagination rule.
I have tried using some pagination rules:
> AbsoluteURL = Headers.link But, this did not work as the entire encoded link shown above, is getting appended directly and hence, the pipeline throws an error.
> Query Parameters I have also tried to use the query parameters but could not get any result.
I have followed questions over stackoverflow and have read the documentations:
Please help me with how can I access this next page token or what can be the pagination rule to support the scenario.