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How to resolve the issue "Unable to resolve app registration name from registered app ID" under Function App
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How do I create a Microsoft identity provider in Function App?
I have been following this guide to create a web app.
I have no issues creating a B2C tenant, the backend / frontend applications, and the user flow. All have been created successfully under AD B2C.
However, when I'm creating the Function App under my main subscription tenant, I encountered error "unable to resolve app registration name from registered application ID".
Here's where I have found the information:
- application (client) ID: I obtained this value from the backend application created under B2C:
- client secret value: the secret value after creating a secret ID and value pair under "Certificates and Secrets" under the same web app in B2C
- Issuer URL: the URL as appear at the top after clicking on the "run user flow" in the User Flow page under the same web app in B2C
My question is: is there any setting I may have missed in configuring the link between the B2C tenant to my main subscription tenant? My issue looks the same as this Stackoverflow post that was created previously: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68032437/can-a-tenant-resource-be-shared-with-a-different-b2c-tenant-user-after-authent#comment120245898_68032695
Thanks in advance!