Hi, are you planning to deploy it with a full devops? including infrastructure as code like Biceps/Terraform? if yes, that could be a problem to have a function app with slots (CI, QA, UAT) and a single storage account with a CI, QA, UAT named queues because you would miss the opportunity to validate the deployment. Considering having a full devops I have 1 resource group for each stage (CI, QA, UAT) so I can check the creation of the resources.
Advice: function app with Storage queue trigger best practices / approaches
Hi, We are looking at implementing a number of function apps on storage queues to serve as an event processing system.
in production naturally we would have a storage account, queue and function that is processing that queue.
i am curious as to what others have done in regards to having these in lower environments like a CI, QA, Staging and Production.
for the lower environments do you have a function app with slots (CI, QA, UAT) and it processes for a single storage account with a CI, QA, UAT named queues?
for production do you have a staging and production slot and what queue would the staging version point to while testing?
Or is it one complete setup for each environment?
we are probably looking at 6-12 queues and functions that will process on each of these in production... then we have to have versions in CI, QA, etc
thanks in advance.